INCORE GROUP is a company created to engage trading activities on the commodities market worldwide. Utilizing our solid relationships allows us buying raw materials under beneficial conditions in Eastern Europe and the CIS, primarily in Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Uzbekistan and Ukraine, becoming the trading house link between primary producers and processing enterprises. The company’s business focuses onproviding basic raw materials and alloys to customers in relevant industries.
Our long-term and well-established business relationships with leading producers provide our customers with the most flexible access to the market.
Our professional knowledge and skills in the field of the world commodity markets guarantee a flawless chain of providing added value to our customers.
Our global team has extensive experience in the non-ferrous metals and the broader commodity business, built on enduring supplier and customer relationships. Our worldwide network (World Map):
Why we are different? INCORE GROUP works with many globally consistent partners to support its core business, including:
• Commodities Trading
• Risk Management
• Credit Management
• Finance
• Shipping and operations
• Compliance
We are always looking to improve our services. Reliability, flexibility and quality are our futureand being able to meet our clients demands quickly and efficiently is key for us.